
Student ePortfolios, Blogs, and School Websites

We provide a safe, secure, and easy-to-manage WordPress Multisite platform for your entire school or district. Our solutions are ideal for student ePortfolios, blogs, classroom communication, and any other K-12 website needs.

Meet A Few Of Our Customers

Manage Users

Getting students and classes up and running – quickly and with ease.

We integrate our websites with many single-sign-on systems that allow you to use one ID and password to log in to multiple sites. We also offer student management tools to administer access levels, private settings, invites and more.

Built For Learning

WordPress sites become the glue that brings everything together.

Teachers can moderate or approve posts and comments, send private feedback, run class activity reports, and organize students into groups and classes.

See It In Action

We work with thousands of schools and districts around the globe.

Our showcase highlights just a few.

Other Services We Provide

Let us know about any particular project or ways we can help…


Over half of our customers move existing sites and networks to us.

Custom Themes

We can take designs to make themes and can take on plugin projects too.


Both in-person and virtual options are available – tailored to your needs.

Site Reviews

Over half of our customers move existing sites and networks to us.

Have questions or want to learn more?

We love to do demos, free trials, and pilots!